How to share VR Sync features

In these articles we will dive deeper into the different functionalities of the Organization manager.

VR Sync's organization feature enables you to manage multiple VR Sync accounts in one central place. In short, an organization has one administrator account. With this account you can manage members, manage their content, control their remote, manage their licenses and share branded remote / content manager links

Sharing access

In some cases you don’t want the member to operate the VR Sync platform, or want to provide them with limited access. Therefore, their are build in features that allows you to share white labeled parts of the VR Sync platform 

2. Share Remote access

The VR Sync Remote can be shared with a URL. This URL will be accessible to everyone who has the unique link. To obtain this link go to the Organization page and click the share button of the user. In this screen you can upload a logo to brand his shared remote as well as generate, revoke and copy the URL.

3. Share Content toggler access

The VR Sync Content toggler allows a user to publish and unpublish his content. This content toggler can be shared by URL. This URL will be accessible with everyone who has the unique link. To obtain this link go to the Organization page and click the share button of the user. In this screen you can upload a logo to brand his toggler as well as generate, revoke and copy the URL.


Manage organization user's content Read

Create and manage an organization Read